Kwik-Cash Line of CreditThe perfect vehicle for your personal loan needs. Apply once and draw against your credit line anytime you need. Payment is based on $3.00 per $100 of the balance after the most recent advance. (Also can be used for overdraft protection on your NMCU checking account.) |
Personal LoanAn unsecured loan with a fixed repayment period of up to 60 months. |
When Federal aid just isn’t enough, we’re here to help! The cost of college continues to rise, forcing many students and families to resort to higher-cost private student loans to fill funding gaps. As a not-for-profit lender, NMCU has a unique ability to help members and families by offering our Student Choice private lending solution that feature:
*Subject to qualification and annual credit review. |
Take control of your student loan debt with a Student Choice Refinance Loan from Northwestern Mutual Credit Union! Refinance and consolidate your private and federal student loans into one manageable loan with one convenient payment. Featuring a competitive interest rate and zero origination fees, our refinance loan can help you simplify your life while amplifying your funds.
*For variable rate option, the APR is based on the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate (index), plus or minus a margin, and may change during the life of the loan; for fixed-rate option, APR is fixed for the life of the loan. The rate you receive depends on your credit qualifications and the repayment term you select. Subject to credit qualification and additional criteria, including graduating from an approved school. Loans subject to approval. Rates, terms and conditions subject to change without notice. |
Focus on what is important and let us handle the rest! Our Student Choice private loan solution is designed to fill the funding gaps that may exist after all lower-cost sources of aid (including scholarships, grants, and federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans) have been exhausted. And since these loans are being offered through NMCU, you know you're getting a great deal from a not-for-profit lender you can trust. Check out some of these great benefits
1 Subject to credit qualification and annual credit review. Must meet school's Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements NOTE: Federal Graduate PLUS loans are another option available for graduate students. Graduate PLUS loans provide enough assistance to cover your costs of attendance less other financial aid received. For more information, check with your school's financial aid office or visit the Federal student aid website. |
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